Module锛歁YZR-RZG2UL-CB200 core board parameter
CPU锛歊enesas RZ/G2UL
Memory锛欴DR 1/2G
Storage锛歟MMC 8G, scalable to 64GB
Operating temperature锛-40°C to +85°C
product detail锛
Module锛歁YZR-RZG2UL-CB200 core board parameter
CPU锛歊enesas RZ/G2UL
Memory锛欴DR 1/2G
Storage锛歟MMC 8G, scalable to 64GB
Operating temperature锛-40°C to +85°C
product detail锛
Unit 304, 3F, Block B2, National South Software Park, 1 Software Park Road, Zhuhai, China